Development Cycle 1
To simplify the design we are only implementing a subset of the model
and simplify some behavior.
Types of land
- Only Water and Plain Land are supported.
- All SquareOfLands are explored.
- The land can not change type.
Types of humans
- Only NormalHuman is supported.
- The NormalHuman lives for a predifined amount of time.
- The Human does not consume Food yet.
- The concept Living Power is not supported.
- Creating a Human does not cost Creation Power.
The concept Creation Power is due not necessary yet.
Types of actions
- Only Resting, Fishing and Constructing
are supported.
- Fishing increases Food.
- Constructing decreases Building Material.
Types of constructions
- Only Farm is supported.
- The construction of a Construction does not use
Energy but does use Building Material.
World resources
- Due to the previous simplifications the following resources are
not implemented:
- Chopped Wood
- Hapiness
- Creation Power
- Energy
- Level Of The Goal
- Food can only increase by Fishing and starts at zero.
- Building Material can only decrease by Constructing
and starts at a certain amount.
- Evolution see the section about evolution.
The evolution concept
- Evolution has a Clock Thread attribute that is implemented
as an inner class which extends Thread.
- Evolution has as most important attribute a list of objects (Constructions,
Humans, SquareofLands). These objects must register and deregister themselves
with Evolution. This list of registered objects must be updated (by
means of calling the method evolve() on each of the registered objects)
every time the method tick() is called.
- The tick() method and the register and deregister method are made
synchronised, because they may not interfere with eachother.