
Action meta-controlled-type an activity performed by a human
Action Knowledge Catalog type is a kind of knowlegde catalog that contains information about the actions a human can perform in the game
Building Material meta-controlled-type a resource influenced by transforming rocks and constructing
Baby Forest meta-controlled-type type of land: when a human plants trees on roots or rocks, this will become baby forest. Baby forest will evolve automatically into Forest.
Chopped Wood meta-controlled-type a resource influenced by wood chopping and constructing and the energy consumption
Coal Mine meta-controlled-type a construction that can produce coals
Coals meta-controlled-type a resource influenced by the production of coal mines and the amount consumed by power plants
meta-controlled-type a land resource that is used by coal mines for the production of the world resource coals
Constructing meta-controlled-type an action which has as result a new construction; can only be performed on plain land (except for the coal mines, which can be constructed everyware on solid land)
Construction meta-controlled-type can be a mine or a farm or a theatre or a power plant
Construction Knowledge Catalog type is a kind of knowlegde catalog that contains information about the constructions that can be constructed on the gameboard
Creation Power type resource needed to create humans
Energy type a non-storable resource that is influenced by the production of power plants and coal mines
Event type events are used for informing the graphical userinterface of a change in the game for example a square of land has changed it's state
Evolution Knowlegde Catalog type is a kind of knowlegde catalog that contains information about the state of the evolution in the game
Evolution.clock attribute clock is a ClockThread object used by the class Evolution
Evolution.factor attribute this variable influences the speed of evolution. A higher value gives a lower speed.
Evolver type an abstract class wich represents an object that will evolve in time
Farm meta-controlled-type a building that can produce food
Food meta-controlled-type a resource influenced by hunting and fishing and the consumation of the humans
Forest meta-controlled-type type of land, forest can be transformed in chopped wood and plain land
Fishing meta-controlled-type an action which increases the amount of food, can only be performed on water
Game Board type all the pieces of land
GeoInvestigation meta-controlled-type an action which finds out if the land contains coals or other resources
Happiness meta-controlled-type a resource that influences the work efficiency of humans; can be influenced by theatres
Human.energyBuffer attribute when there is no more food, a human starts consuming his energy buffer; when the energy buffer of a human is empty, a human dies
Human Instruction type an instruction specifically meant for a human
Human.timeToLive: long attribute the maximum amount of time a human can live
Hunting meta-controlled-type an action which increases the amount of food, can only be performed on forest
IconTable type this class represents a table full of icons.
Info List type a key-value (map) list, containting info about the objects in the world (info about the humans, about the constructions and about the squares of land); there can be multiple values for each key
InfoList.e attribute the variable e contains the record this InfoList is currently pointing at.
Instruction type the way the player indicates what he wants to happen in the game
Knowlegde Catalog type contains specific information about objects which can be loaded from property-files
KnowledgeCatalog.fileName attribute the url from where this catalog is loaded
Land Knowledge Catalog type is a kind of knowlegde catalog that contains information about the different types of land in the game
Land Resources meta-controlled-type the resources a square of land can contains (coals, trees, babytrees)
Making Land meta-controlled-type an action which transforms water into plain land; can only be performed on water
Meta-Controlled-Type   objects of this type are controlled by the KnowledgeCatalogs following the meta-pattern
Plain Land meta-controlled-type a type of land with no trees and no tree roots and no rocks and no water
Planting Trees meta-controlled-type an action which creates a new baby forest, can only be performed on roots or plain land
Power Plant meta-controlled-type a construction that can produce energy out of coals
Removing Roots meta-controlled-type an human action which transforms a piece of land with roots into plain land; can only be performed on roots
Resource meta-controlled-type

in fact a world resource; the world contains resources which can be influenced by numerous actions, like chopping wood, transforming rocks, etc

Resource Knowledge Catalog type is a kind of knowlegde catalog that contains information about the resources of the game
Resting meta-controlled-type resting is the default action for a human
Rocks meta-controlled-type type of land, rocks can be transformed into plain land
land resource that is used by transforming rocks to produce building material
Roots meta-controlled-type type of land, roots can be transformed into plain land
land resource that is removed by transforming roots to plain land
Square of Land type the pieces the board is divided in
SquareOfLand.explorationState: double attribute the explorationstate of a square of land
SystemMessage type this class represents a message from the game to the user.
Theatre meta-controlled-type a building that gives happiness to normal humans
Transform Land meta-controlled-type a normal human action that can be either transforming rocks or removing roots or planting trees or making land or wood chopping
Transforming Rocks meta-controlled-type a normal human action which increases the amount of building material and transforms rocks into plain land; can only be performed on the land type rocks
Trees meta-controlled-type a land resource that can be found on the land type forest
UserInterface.evolving attribute indicates whether the game is evolving
UserInterface.worldcontroller attribute a connection to the world controller
Water meta-controlled-type a type of land that can be transformed into plain land
Wood Chopping meta-controlled-type an action which increases the amount of chopped wood, can only be perfomed on forest
World type the whole game environment (humans, game board and the resources)
World Controller type a Controller for the world made by the design pattern with the same name
WorldController.actionName attribute the name of the action which will be performed when a square is selected and we still have humans in the selection.
WorldController.humanSelection attribute the currently selected humans on the gameboard.
WorldController.selectedSquare attribute the selected SquareOfLand object
World Instruction type an instruction specifically meant for the world (creating humans)