Real Use Cases

The way our game looks after starting up with the exploration state of every square of land set on true:

The way our game looks normally after starting up:

Create Human

Use Case Create Human
Actors Player
Purpose Create a human and put him on the gameboard
Overview The Player decides to put a human on the gameboard. First, he selects the option "create human". If the Player has enough creation power, he chooses an explored square of land that contains no other human. The human then will be created on the spot the Player has chosen, otherwise, the system indicates that there is not enough creation power or that the selected  square of land is already taken by another human. After the creation of the human, the creation power will be decreased.
Type Primary 
Cross references

Functions: R1.4, R1.5, R2.1, R2.2, R2.3, R2.4, R3.1 

Use Cases: The Player must have completed the Start Up and Create New Game use cases.

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action
System Response
1. This use case begins when the Player decides to put a new human on the gameboard.  
2. The Player selects the "Create Human" option in the menu widget. 3. The System awaits the selection of a square of land.
4. The Player selects a square of land on the gameboard to indicate where he wants the normal human to be created. 5. The System puts the human on the selected square of land and let him perform the default action (resting).
  6. The System decreases the creation power of the Player by 30 (this number can be found by the system in the EvolutionKnowledgeCatalog).

The Player selects the "Create Human" option in the menu widget:

The System puts the normal human on the selected square of land:

The state of the gameboard after the creation of three humans:

The blue and red squares around the humans indicate that they are selected. After the creation of a new human, this human is automatically added to the selection of humans. The red square indicates the last human selected (at any time in the game, there can be at most on red square around a human). So in this case, the human with the red square is the human that was last created.

Perform Action

Use Case Perform Action
Actors Player
Purpose Start the action of a selection of humans on one or more selected squares.
Overview The Player decides to let one or more humans perform an action. First he selects one or more humans, and then he selects an action. Finally the Player selects one or more squares of explored land. There needs to be enough resources to let this human perform the action. The action will be performed on the spot the Player chooses, otherwise, the system indicates that there is not enough of one or more of the resources, or that the squares of land are not suitable for this action, or that there is already a human standing on the selected square of land. During the action, the amount of certain resources will change gradually: every action consumes some resources; some actions even produce resources and/or change the state of the square of land. The human will perform this action, as long as there are enough resources, and he is not instructed to do something else. When the action is finished on the given square, he will try to find an adjacent field where he can continue his action.
Type Primary
Cross references

Functions: R1.4, R1.5, R2.1, R2.2, R2.3, R2.4, R3.2

Use Cases: The Player must have completed the Create Human use case.

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action
System Response
1. This use case begins when the Player decides to let a human perform anl action.  
2. The Player selects one or more humans. 3. The System indicates the selected humans by red and blue squares.

4. The Player chooses the action he wants to perform (either a normal action or a constructing action) in the menu widget:

  1. If he wants the humans to start building a construction, initiate Create Construction.
  2. If he wants the humans to perform a normal action, initiate Start Regular Action

Related Use Cases

Create Construction

Use Case Create construction
Actors Player
Purpose Start the creation of a construction.
Overview The Player decides to let one or more humans perform a constructing action. First he chooses which construction he wants to create. Then the Player chooses the shape of the construction and selects some squares of explored plain land where he wants this construction to be build. The constructing action will be performed on the spot the Player chooses, otherwise, the system indicates that there is not enough of one or more of the resources, or that the squares of land are not suitable for this action, or that there is already a human or a construction standing on the selected square of land. During the constructing action, the amount of certain resources will change gradually: every constructing action consumes some resources. The human will perform this action, as long as there are enough resources, and he is not instructed to do something else.
Type Primary
Cross references Functions: R1.4, R1.5, R2.1, R2.2, R2.3, R3.2

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response
1. This use case begins when the Player chooses to create a construction.  
2. The Player indicates in the menu widget which building he wants to create. 3. Asks the shape of the construction the Player wants to create. The number of humans selected must be the same as the size of the construction (= number of squares in the shape of the construction).
4. The Player indicates the shape of the construction in the menu widget. 5. The System lets the Player choose the location of the construction.
6. The Player indicates the location of the construction on the game board. 7. The System lets the selected humans start building the construction on the selected location.

Alternative Courses

The Player indicates in the menu widget which building he wants to create:

The Player indicates the shape of the construction in the menu widget:

The System lets the selected humans start building the construction on the selected location:

Perform Normal Action

Use Case Perform Normal Action
Actors Player
Purpose Start the normal action of a selection of humans on one or more selected squares.
Overview The Player decides to let one or more humans perform an action. First he selects an action. Finally the Player selects one or more squares of land. There needs to be enough resources. The action will be performed on the spot the Player chooses, otherwise, the system indicates that there is not enough of one of the resources, or that the square of land is not suitable for this action, or that there is already a human standing on the selected square of land. During the action, the amount of certain resources will change gradually: every action consumes some resources; some actions even produce resources and/or change the state of the square of land. The human will perform this action, as long as there are enough resources, and he is not instructed to do something else. When the action is finished on the given square, he will try to find an adjacent field where he can continue his action.
Type Primary
Cross references Functions: R1.4, R1.5, R2.1, R2.2, R2.3, R3.2

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response
1. This use case begins when the Player chooses to let one or more humans perform a normal action.  
2. The Player chooses one of the normal action options in the menu widget. 3. The System asks the Player to select some squares of land on the gameboard where he wants this action to be performed.
4. The Player selects the squares of land. 5. The System lets the selected humans start performing the selected action on the selected squares of land.

Alternative courses

The Player chooses one of the normal action options in the menu widget:

The System lets the selected human start performing the selected action on the selected square of land:

When there is a shortage of food, the human will consume his energybuffer:

As you can see, the amount of Food has dropped to zero. At this point the humans will start resting. They remember the action they were doing so they can resume this action if there is fresh food available.

Some actions that can be performed although the human is consuming his energy buffer:

When a human is created and instructed to go fishing, the Food level increases again. This means that the energy buffer of the humans can be filled and they can resume the action they were doing.