Uses of Class

Packages that use SquareOfLand

Uses of SquareOfLand in evolution

Constructors in evolution with parameters of type SquareOfLand
Human.Human(SquareOfLand sq)
          Create a new human.

Methods in evolution that return SquareOfLand
SquareOfLandGameBoard.getSquare(int x, int y)
          Get the square at the given position.
          Get the square of land this human stands on.
protected SquareOfLandWorldController.getSelectedSquare()
          Return the square of land that is currently selected.

Methods in evolution with parameters of type SquareOfLand
ListGameBoard.getSurroundingSquares(SquareOfLand sq, int range, boolean explored)
          Get the surrounding squares in the range of a certain position.
voidHuman.setSquareOfLand(SquareOfLand square)
          Set the square of land this human stands on.
protected voidHuman.transformLand(SquareOfLand sq)
          If the current action also transforms land, then do that.
voidWorld.createHuman(SquareOfLand sq)
          Create a human on a sqyare of land.
protected voidWorldController.setSelectedSquare(SquareOfLand square)
          Set the selected square of land to the given square of land.

Uses of SquareOfLand in evolution.actions

Methods in evolution.actions that return SquareOfLand
SquareOfLandAction.findSquare(SquareOfLand sq, int visionrange)
          Get the square in the range of a certain position where it is the most suitable to perform a given action.

Methods in evolution.actions with parameters of type SquareOfLand
protected doubleAction.calculateSquareValue(SquareOfLand sq, Map neededResources, boolean maximizing)
          Calculate the value of the given square of land for this action.
protected booleanAction.canBePerformedOn(SquareOfLand square)
          Checks whether this action can be performed on the given square of land.
SquareOfLandAction.findSquare(SquareOfLand sq, int visionrange)
          Get the square in the range of a certain position where it is the most suitable to perform a given action.
protected voidAction.modifyLandResources(SquareOfLand square, Map resources, double mul, boolean influencedBy)
          Modify the landresources that are mentioned in the given map.
voidAction.performEnergyBuffer(SquareOfLand square, Human human)
          A special case of perform
booleanActionKnowledgeCatalog.canBePerformedOn(String actionName, SquareOfLand sq)
          See if this action can be performed on the given square.
Object[]ActionKnowledgeCatalog.transformsLand(SquareOfLand sq, String actionName)
          Does the given action transform the landtype of the given square? Returns Object[] { Boolean transforms : does the action transform yes or no String toLand : the land type we transform to String detLandResource : the determening land resource Double limit : the limit the land resource should have to transform the land type Boolean lte : must the current value be less then equal than the limit Boolean gte : must the current value be greater then equal than the limit
protected booleanConstructing.canBePerformedOn(SquareOfLand square)
          Checks whether this constructing-action can be performed on the given square of land.
protected booleanExploring.canBePerformedOn(SquareOfLand square)
          Checks whether this action can be performed on the given square of land.
protected booleanGeoInvestigation.canBePerformedOn(SquareOfLand square)
          Checks whether this action can be performed on the given square of land.
protected booleanGeoInvestigation.isRevealed(SquareOfLand square)
          Checks whether this square of land has already revealed if there are coals under the ground or not.

Uses of SquareOfLand in evolution.constructions

Constructors in evolution.constructions with parameters of type SquareOfLand
CoalMine.CoalMine(SquareOfLand sl)
          Constructor of a Coalmine

Methods in evolution.constructions with parameters of type SquareOfLand constructionName, String shape, List humans, SquareOfLand sq)
          Build a construction.
protected booleanConstructionKnowledgeCatalog.canStandOn(String construction, SquareOfLand sq, List humans)
          Checks if the construction can stand on the given square of land.
protected ListConstructionKnowledgeCatalog.getSquares(SquareOfLand sq, String shape)
          Get the squares marked in the shape string with the given square as upper left corner.

Uses of SquareOfLand in

Constructors in with parameters of type SquareOfLand
SquareChangedEvt.SquareChangedEvt(SquareOfLand square)
          Create a new square changed event.

Methods in that return SquareOfLand
          Return the square of land which changed.

a gvijf production